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- Alva Hurtado, Jorge
- Bolt, Bruce A.
- Bullen, K. E.
- Centro Peruano Japon...
- Coffman, Jerry L.
- Committee on the Ala...
- Giesecke M., Alberto
- Hall, Minard L.
- Instituto Geofísico ...
- Instituto Nacional d...
- Madariaga, Raúl
- Meyers, H.
- Montes, Shinny
- Oth, Adrien
- Plafker, George
- Rikitake, Tsuneji
- Seiner Lizárraga, Li...
- Silgado Ferro, Enriq...
- Tavera, Hernando
- U.S. Department of t...
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Bibliotecas depositarias
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- Cahiers du Centre eu...
- CNRS plus
- Developments in eart...
- Developments in Eart...
- Developments in geot...
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- Geological survey pr...
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- NATO Advanced Study ...
- NOAA Technical Memor...
- Open-File Report
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- Prentice-Hall intern...
- Seismologic series
- Serie C: Geodinámica...
- Serie popular
- Series of books in g...
- Technical article
- U.S. Geological Surv...
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