Rohlfs, Kristen

Tools of radio astronomy - Cuarta edición revisada. - New York: Springer-Verlag, 2000. - 461 páginas: ilustraciones; 24 cm. - Astronomy and astrophysics library .

"With 133 figures and 21 tables". Incluye índice: páginas 451-461

Incluye referencias bibliográficas: páginas 439-450.

Contenido: 1. Radio Astronomical Fundamentals -- 2. Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Fundamentals -- 3. Wave Polarization -- 4. Signal Processing and Receivers -- 5. Fundamentals of Antenna Theory -- 6. Filled Aperture Antennas -- 7. Interferometers and Aperture Synthesis -- 8. Observational Methods -- 9. Emission Mechanisms of Continuous Radiation -- 10. Some Examples of Thermal and Nonthermal Radio Sources -- 11. Spectral Line Fundamentals -- 12. Line Radiation of Neutral Hydrogen -- 13. Recombination Lines -- 14. Molecules in Interstellar Space.


