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Fifth international conference on antennas and propagation (ICAP 87) part 1: antennas

Fifth international conference on antennas and propagation (ICAP 87) part 1: antennas A hundred years of antennas and propagation - Londres: The Institution of Electrical Engineers; 1987 - 564 páginas: gráficos, fotografías; 29 cm

Incluye índice: página 27

1. Mechanical aspects of antennas -- 2. Millimetre wave antennas -- 3. Numerical methods I -- 4. Satellite propagation I -- 5. Mobile antennas -- 6. Frequency selective surfaces -- 7. VHF and UHF propagation -- 8. Millimetre propagation -- 9. Wideband antennas -- 10. Microstrip antennas I -- 11. Numerical techniques II -- 12. Ionospheric propagation I -- 13. Reflector antennas -- 14. Phased arrays -- 15. Ionospheric propagation II -- 16. Posters -- 17. Propagation at short range and in tunnels