Bolt, Bruce A.

Earthquakes - Cuarta edición - New York: W.H. Freeman and Company, 1999. - 366 páginas: ilustraciones; 24 cm.

Incluye índice: páginas 355-366.

Incluye referencias bibliográficas: páginas 345-353.

Contenido: 1. What we feel in an earthquake -- 2. Where earthquakes occur -- 3. Measuring earthquakes -- 4. Exploring inside the earth -- 5. Faults in the earth -- 6. The Causes of earthquakes -- 7. Earthquakes and plate tectonics -- 8. The Size of an earthquake -- 9. Volcanoes, tsunamis, and earthquakes --
10. Events that precede and earthquake -- 11. Dangers from earthquakes -- 12. Reducing Earthquake risk.


